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coclimate_logo.pngOn May 19th, 2015, CoClimate produced an exhibition, entitled BREATHE, in cooperation with the World Health Organization and the Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short Lived Climate Pollutants (CCAC). CoClimate was selected for the task of engaging delegates to the World Health Assembly on the matters of particulate air pollution and its impacts on health.

The exhibition has since been extended and expanded to include additional artists. It now occupies the library of the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland, through October, 2015.  » Read More

Cop21.jpgThe Bureau of Linguistical Reality is honored to receive an Invoking the Pause grant for our 2015 work. 

The Bureau of Linguistical Reality is a public participatory artwork created in 2014 by Heidi Quante and Alicia Escott focused on generating new language as an innovative way to engage diverse sectors of the public in addressing climate change and other Anthropocenic events. » Read More

Human_Impacts_logo.jpgInspiring people to change bad habits, consume less, and to accept that the status quo of human societies’ just doesn’t work with our planet’s climate is a tough job.  There are days when I’m reading climate science reports on the current and predicted impacts of climate change, like the recent article from world-renowned climate scientist James Hansen and 16 other top climate scientists about quickening sea level rise, where it can be paralyzing. » Read More

CoClimate's ITP pause is next month and the view is endless!  Take a look here.
Image result for california foodways The latest in ITP Grant Partner Lisa Morehouse's series California Foodways on KQED.  Read and listen here.

Image result for california foodways
Please listen to the latest installment of ITP Grant Partner Lisa Morehouse's California Foodways on KQED.

Iswitzer_logo.pngn 2007 a chance conversation between Maggie Kaplan, Executive Director of Invoking the Pause (ITP) and Lisa Micheli Ph. D., Executive Director of Pepperwood Preserve, was the genesis of  Invoking the Pause  and its pilot program, "At the Water's Edge," was a benchmark moment in Micheli's career. » Read More

westerbeke.pngInvoking the Pause is blessed to have such diverse new and past Grant Partners (GPs) sharing a common bond of expanding the reach, messaging and knowledge of how to mitigate the effects of climate change through their various ITP projects.  As ITP partners, we all gather together once a year to present and brainstorm with each other and gain common awareness of our desire to be change agents for environmental sustainability. 

This coming fall, ITP's beautiful home-base of Sonoma, CA will be the backdrop for the 2015 Grant Partner Gathering taking place at Westerbeke Ranch Conference Center.   » Read More

calif_foodway.jpgEverybody eats, and food propels storytelling. ITP Grant Partner and investigative reporter Lisa Morehouse is producing a radio (and print) series that travels county by county reporting stories about California and Californians through the lens of food. The series, California Foodways, will feature people and places at the intersection of food, culture, history and economy.  Visit the website to hear her stories.
