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In the ongoing human response to the dynamic challenges of climate change, it is imperative that our initiatives be synchronous with living systems.   In the spirit of minimizing our impacts to the biosphere, reconsidered land management practices are vital.

ITP sponsored two workshops in 2016, which sought to positively affect the carbon cycle through the processing of organic wastes into compost that can be applied as a source of regenerative nutrients to working lands. 
The first workshop was held at the Presidio in San Francisco in May, the second in Sacramento in October.  Participants were members of a diverse and growing community of Californians who envision a series of critical systemic changes that converge towards a climate beneficial future. » Read More

Divest.jpgDetermining appropriate actions that can be taken to mitigate greenhouse gas creation from anthropogenic sources is a critical component of combating climate change.  Changing the human relationship with land stewardship protocols has high potential to make significant changes to and with our ongoing production of food and fibers.  There are many good people working on developing alternatives to the current status quo, which can point us in a new and more sustainable direction regarding agriculture and materials management.
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as_you_sow.pngJoin ITP Grant Partner, As You Sow, for their report launch webinar of the Carbon Clean 200TM.

The Clean200: Investing in a Clean Energy Future
Monday, August 15, 2016 - NOTE NEW DATE!
11:00 AM Pacific/2:00 PM Eastern

Join the webinar to learn about the companies paving the way towards a clean energy future!

Andrew, Toby, and the Clean200 team

ITP Grant Partner, As You Sow, has just released their report entitled "Unconventional Risks: The Growing Uncertainty of Oil Investments".  Please read the full report here

Invoking The Pause
Grant Partners, As You Sow, will be soon be releasing a report titled: "Unconventional Risks: The Growing Uncertainty of Oil Investments". - See more at:

Invoking The Pause
Grant Partners, As You Sow, will be soon be releasing a report titled: "Unconventional Risks: The Growing Uncertainty of Oil Investments". - See more at:

Posted - 08/02/2016
Carbon Clean 200 Report Webinar
as_you_sow.pngOn August 10, As You Sow and Corporate Knights will release the Carbon Clean 200TM, a list of 200 clean economy companies intended to turn the carbon bubble inside-out.

Webinar Details:
The Clean200: Investing in a Clean Energy Future
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
11:00 AM Pacific/2:00 PM Eastern
Invoking The Pause
Grant Partners, As You Sow, will be soon be releasing a report titled: "Unconventional Risks: The Growing Uncertainty of Oil Investments".  Here are what some reviewers are already saying: 
·  “This is a tremendous report…I found myself getting more and more hopeful reading the report…”
·   “I can't think of anything that you have missed out, and I think in particular your discussion of future Chinese and Indian oil demand is absolutely key and is very well done. I also think the section on Saudi Arabia's evolving oil-production policy highlights an issue whose importance has not been fully appreciated yet. In short, I think this is an excellent report…”
·   “Overall I think this is very strong.”
·   “I think it… will be an extremely useful addition to the conversation we are all having with companies and other investors—it’s really helpful to have all of this information in a single place.”

The full report will be released to the media in the next few weeks. Check back for updates and the full report.

dino.jpgHow wonderful to see one ITP Grant Partner Mark Schapiro's article in Mother Jones about financial troubles in the oil industry quoting another ITP Grant Partner Danielle Fugere, president of As You Sow!!  What incredible synergy and "ROR" (Return on Relationship) since meeting at last year's ITP Grant Partner Gathering!! 
as_you_sow.pngAs You Sow began our Breaking Up with Fossil Fuels campaign with the twin goals of, first, debunking the fossil fuel industry’s self-serving myths about the impossibility of achieving a clean energy economy and, second, moving public opinion toward the realization that ending our reliance on fossil fuels is feasible, possible, beneficial and, in fact, the low carbon economy is well under way and will be dramatically implemented in the U.S. in the next 15 years. » Read More

As You Sow

ITP Grant Partner, As You Sow, is developing a project that includes planning the development of a media campaign that will dispel myths propagated by the fossil fuel industry that people need fossil fuels to thrive.

Our campaign will encourage individuals to reject the fossil fuel reliance myth and publicly ‘break up with fossil fuels.’ During our 'Pause', we learned and examined the importance of several themes that may be useful for the larger climate movement to consider going forward, one of which I will highlight here.

Message climate change with hope, opportunity, and profit. Very often, climate change is explained in terms that are negative, bearish, or forecast doomsday, » Read More
