
itplogol_2.png  invests in people, collaborations, and cross-sector network development.  We use small grants to fund strategic “pauses” to help innovators refresh and renew their thinking on climate challenges.  We are guided by principles that embrace risk, openness, iteration, fairness, action, and paying it forward, and we partner with innovators who share these sentiments.



We believe collaboration and communication are essential levers to advance new climate challenge strategies. When ideas, talent and capital flow organically through a diverse network, we begin to operate like the very systems we seek to save - interconnected, interdependent and highly efficient.  We know innovation often occurs in the margins where it can get stuck. We support projects that permeate conventional boundaries to solve climate challenges.



We believe small is beautiful and strategic, and work closely with a small cohort each year to encourage cross-sector collaborations to help test, refine and take action on climate issues. We fund early-stage initiatives, accepting a level of uncertainty and risk in order to incubate and germinate new climate challenge strategies. Two reflective and retreat-like ‘pauses’ have been the hallmark of our efforts to spur innovation.  The first strategic pause has been designed by each grant partner to foster creativity and innovation. The second has brought together grant partners and allies to test and refine projects, foster deeper collaborations, and accelerate the impact of their collective efforts.  Since we have switched to a 3-year model, the nature of the first pause has shifted depending on the project, but we continue our second collaborative pause to bring all grant partners and allies together.

To date, ITP has funded 180 projects - including cross-pollination grants.


ITP is fiscally sponsored by Forward Global

ITP  "Guiding Lights":

Founder and Executive Director: Maggie Kaplan

Advisory Committee:

Diana Cohn - Executive Director, Panta Rhea Foundation
Anisha Desai - Program Director, New Leaders Initiative at Earth Island Institute
Anne Fitzgerald - Retired Environmental Consultant
Lisa Micheli - Executive Director, Pepperwood Foundation
Nina Simons - Co-Founder and Co-CEO, Bioneers
- See more at: http://invokingthepause.org/about-us.html#sthash.WPRlwog3.dpuf