The collaborative team of multimedia and radio producers Isaac Kestenbaum and Josie Holtzman will invoke a pause to create a memorial for "Winters Past," an immersive multimedia storytelling project that tells the tale of a lost natural world through personal experience, memory, and history of the seasons—specifically the New England Winter. Using sound walks, podcasts and online data visualization, the project will tell stories that cut through the media noise and rhetoric to create a sensory experience that helps us understand what the erosion of our natural environment truly means. The resulting soundscapes will be shared via an interactive website and public radio programs, creating an intimate multimedia remembrance of the world as it was, and one that is in danger of disappearing. By humanizing climate change data, the project aims to prompt a call to preserve what remains in our natural world while we have the chance.
Winters Past - What is an Ice Yacht?
An ice yacht is a sailboat on skates that travels 80 miles per hour.
They were once the fastest vehicles on the planet. Winters Past is a
project that collects stories of the way that winters used to be, and
brings these stories to life with audio soundwalks—meaning they should
be heard outside, while walking. Read the full article here.