View Blog Archive ITP Blog - Archives > Windowfarms Production Update Shipping Begins August 27, 2012

Posted - 07/03/2012
Windowfarms Production Update Shipping Begins August 27, 2012

Watch your Windowfarm being made right now in upstate New York…

Windowfarms Production Video Link  

Please visit the special page on the Windowfarms website for Kickstarter backers. If you have questions or need to update your contact or shipping information, please visit: If you have friends or family who are interested in Windowfarming and want to purchase a kit, look for the sign up list on the Windowfarms website for the next round of Windowfarms kit sales. There are already have more than 1000 people on this wait list for Batch Two. Tell your friends not to delay, as Batch Two is already close to selling out. People can sign up to be notified when sales start by clicking the link here:
