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Posted - 07/05/2012
Super Power Magic Motion MachineLibby Modern Gives The Latest Update
The Super Power Magic Motion Machine


The latest update from Libby Modern as The Super Power Magic Motion Machine (SPM3) evolves on its pedal-powered journey!  SPM3 is a mobile art installation that closely resembles a bicycle and trailer.  However, this is no ordinary bike… SPM3 is a custom-made piece of art that transforms into a pedal-powered generator, allowing three other bikes to hook to its mobile trailer and create power.  SPM3 aims to raise awareness about energy generation, energy consumption, human innovation, and community empowerment.

Libby remarks, “SPM3 is still rolling forward…slowly with bumps in the road, but so very, very close to being finished.  After testing the bicycle out with different riders and bikes, we decided to redo the gearing and electronics. This adjustment should make it easier to pedal and help lighten the trailer to make it easier to pull.  Two skilled electrical engineers from a local cast part machinery created a new schematic for the mechanical part, and re-assembled everything for us.

In considering the launch of the bicycle, the ideas of efficiency, transparency and creativity emerged as important elements in addressing Climate Change issues.

The current plan is to test the machine out at small events over the next couple of months and get to the point where we are really comfortable with what it can power, and how we can use it best.  Afterwards, the team would like to schedule an event for August or September.”

Thank you to Libby and the SPM3 team for your determined commitment to the Super Power Magic Motion Machine and its message to further awareness about climate issues.
