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Posted - 11/10/2015
Rainforest Connection Reports on 2016 ITP Gathering

rainforest_logo_1.jpgThe two-day ITP retreat was a very wonderful way to connect to a large network of really outstanding people from many different fields and backgrounds in a beautiful location in Sonoma.

Most grants partners we have worked with require a post-grant report. The ITP method offered a more interesting opportunity to actually spend several days with all the other ITP grant recipients and mentors in order to share findings and make presentations to over 40 collaborators and leaders, with follow-up discussions. 

The meetings and presentations fostered a level of connection and future possibility that seems uncommon in the grant making world by actually providing enough time and space for grant partners and recipients to meet and focus on the events at hand without any other distractions.

This was extremely valuable. It also fostered a level of reflection that was greatly appreciated by all the participants.

The Westerbeke Ranch was a truly delightful place to host a large group over the course of several days. The ITP staff did a really extraordinary job of making people feel welcome and relaxed. I was really amazed by their patience and ability to allow moments of spontaneity, discussion and relationship without putting much pressure on people.

The ability to get critical feedback on our presentation as our general strategic plan for 2016 was very valuable. The discussion that happened after the presentation helped us ask the right questions and gain clarity on key issues we need to pursue in a variety of areas, while making available the expertise of people who have a lot of success in their respective fields.

Many thanks to ITP!

~Rainforest Connection


