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Posted - 05/14/2013
Partners "Post Pause" - New Blogposts From Past ITP Grant Partners

By Maggie Kaplan -

Conversing with a former 2009-2011 ITP Grant Partner (GP) recently, she told me how the Pause's power -- even more than a year "post pause" -- percolated through many aspects of her life.  It got me wondering how the "post pause" has impacted others…. 

So, we are initiating new, more personal blogposts from former GPs with reflections upon their lives and the Pause's impact.  They may take the form of a blog, photo essay, drawings, short film, or even an interview between GPs—audio, written or otherwise.  Given the creativity of our GPs, there are many possibilities! 

To read the inaugural post by Gabriela Denise Frank, one of the CityLab7, who received their initial ITP grant in 2009, and future Partners "Post Pause" submissions, please look for this 'pause heart' icon.
