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Posted - 03/11/2011
ITP Grant Partners’ Convening–October, 2010

ITP on Youtube
Thirty of the Invoking the Pause Grant Partners gathered together at the Mayacamas Ranch in Calistoga, California from October 12-14, 2010  for 3 glorious, Indian summer days of sustenance for body, mind and spirit.

The purpose of this Convening was to introduce the geographically diverse individuals to each other in order to nurture, reflect and generate conversations among them. Therein, we sought to provide a “collective pause.”


Grant Partners spent time together both formally and informally, learned more about each of their various projects. Together they “cross-pollinated” new ideas through reflection and brainstorming possibilities borne from their individual and shared visions.

By the end of the Convening, there was a universal consensus that the word “home” was no longer just a noun but now a verb– all participants had “homed” each other. They created a community together to support their collective vision of climate change.
