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Fast Company and Gizmodo like Windowfarms!  Please visit their blog sites to read the latest buzz on Britta and the Windowfarms project.

Windowfarms Kickstarter new product

UPDATE – The Windowfarms Kickstarter goal has been surpassed and continues to grow! You still have until December 7th to back this project. Congratulations to Britta and the Windowfarms team.
A newly designed Windowfarms vertical food garden is available for order on the world’s largest funding platform for creative projects – Kickstarter. Visit the Kickstarter Windowfarm page before December 7th to back this project.

NYT logo

Britta Riley grew up on a ranch in Texas, so after four years of living in a one-bedroom apartment overlooking an airshaft, in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, she felt deprived of nature. She decided to try growing food indoors, and three years ago began reading about hydroponic systems.

Click here to read the full article in The New York Times.

Britta Vert
Britta Riley
of WindowFarms describes with lyrical prose her experience at the 2010 Grant Partner Convening of Invoking the Pause.

A paraphrased excerpt of her interview:  ”Being so focused on one’s work I haven’t had down time to process the full scope of the project. This convening was an opportunity to get in touch with our emotions. There is a lot of emotion that is driving our work and we don’t always get to acknowledge it.
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Martha Stewart The October 2010 issue of Martha Stewart Magazine featured Windowfarms’ Hydroponic Garden Kits, an exciting advancement in bringing these climate-friendly indoor gardens into the mainstream!
Article excerpt: “There is no substitute for fresh, homegrown produce, but what if you don’t have any outdoor space? Hydroponic gardening is an easy way to grow edible plants in small spaces year round.

“Instead of using soil, roots are suspended in specially formulated clay pellets and are tightly compacted so you can hang dozens in your window. You can either make your own hydroponic garden or you can purchase a kit from Windowfarms.”

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