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Ihaventfailed.jpg~Thomas Edison
Among the many Invoking the Pause Grant Partner projects, sometimes initial ideas undergo transformation during the creative process.  This was the case for the Super Power Magic Motion Machine (SPMMM). Grant Partner Libby Modern first introduced ITP to the idea of this mobile art installation in Lancaster, PA.  Two years later, she reveals ArtBike!, and chronicles the ride for us in this article:  
"Months ago I came across this Thomas Edison quote—it was the hidden "witticism" in a New York Times Sunday crossword puzzle, only fully intact when the puzzle had been successfully solved.  Despite weekly attempts, I rarely finish the Sunday crossword, so it was with great pride that I found myself in a position to be reading Edison's words of advice. I kept it on my coffee table so I could stop and stare often at my accomplishment. It wasn't until a few days later, after many stops and stares, that Edison's words actually sunk in: I haven't failed if I just found the ten thousand ways that won't work." » Read More

The Super Power Magic Motion Machine

Libby Modern recently reflected on the past year and her involvement in developing the Super Power Magic Motion Machine (SPM3) and what the future holds in store for the project.

From idea to innovation, SPM3 is a bike, an art exhibit, a power plant all in one — a mobile art installation that closely resembles a bicycle and trailer. However this is no ordinary bike. It’a custom-made piece of art that transforms into a pedal-powered generator, allowing three other bikes to hook to its mobile trailer and create power. Traveling through greater Lancaster, PA, the SPM3 will cast the conversation about energy consumption in a whole new light.

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spot_light_hi.png Libby Modern

Libby Modern is one of the three musketeers leading project Super Power Magic Motion Machine (SPM3), and we caught up with her in a candid interview to hear more about their inspiring project.

We were most struck by her vivid account of life in the vibrant town of Lancaster, PA and how the project has cross-pollinated within their community.

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